Saturday, May 27, 2006

Hand Wash Only . . . No More!

Doing laundry might be one of the least liked chores—especially in a culture where it's done by hand. Just imagine the task it is to then do laundry for 24 children!

"It would take me from 8am to 5pm every day to stand and do laundry," explains Paris, assistant parent to the Rutto family. "After doing that for more than a year, my hands really ached. They even started to be white!"

But late last year, the children’s home was blessed with an industrial-size washing machine, thanks to Christian Assembly in California. "We really thank God for the machine," Paris says. "May God bless the people who donated it!"

Left: Assistant parents Sally and Sarah, doing laundry by hand.

Below: The ladies love the fact that a machine is now lessening their burden. Not only do their hands feel the difference, but their backs are no longer feeling the strain of washing 24 children's laundry all day, every day.